This is the story of the year I turned 28. It was life altering year and will forever stay with me. It was a year I had to make a choice to accept what I was told or fight. I chose to fight.
Storyboard Szöveg
June: I just turned 28. Life was great, other than my body being fatigued all the time.
I'm so glad we got to celebrate your birthday today! Do you want to keep shopping?
Thanks mom! It's been great, but I think I'm ready to go home. I'm exhausted!
July: The fatigue increased and now I had pain.
You need to go to the doctor. It's getting worse.
Hey hun, how was your run?
I had to stop. I have pain in my stomach again and I got so tired.
You have fibroid tumors. They are extremely large. You'll have to have surgery and soon. I'm sorry Erin, but you're going to have to have a hysterectomy.
August: I went to the doctors.
No kids?
I'm only 28!
September: I decided to get a second opinion.
There is a shot that could shrink the tumors. It has severe symptoms and will put you into a medically induced menopause. After 3-6 months we will perform surgery to remove them.