On the bus, students are socially distanced and we also have to wear face masks or coverings.
As soon as a student walks into the school doors they have their temperature taken with a computer-like device.
This year students can't use the lockers or go out into the hallways to switch classes, the teachers are the ones who move classes. The teachers are the only ones in the hallways.
At lunch, students are six feet apart and are able to take their masks off when they are actively eating or drinking.
What did you get for lunch?
a sandwich
In regular classes, we are required to wear masks even if students are socially distanced but we are six feet apart anyways just for a precaution.
At recess we are able to take our masks off is we are 6 or more feet apart but not is we are any closer. Usually, students play volleyball, wiffleball, or even football or we can also sit and talk.