Hello Everyone! Today We will be informing you about the ethnic and religious groups in South West Asia.(By: Carine White)
Ethnic Groups-A group of people who share common characteristics,such as Language,physical,appearance,customs,and traditions .
Religious Group-A group of people who share a common belief system nit necessarily composed of a single ethnic group.
Religion in Middle East
Islam- The Religion of Muslims that teaches there is only on god, and Mohammed is his prophet.
Judaism-The Religion of Jews that is based on one god, laws called the Torah,and teachings called the Talmud.
Christianity- The Religion of Christian’s that’s is based on one god ,a belief system and practices based on the Bible,and the teachings of Christ.
Symbol of Christianity
I wish it was lunch
Symbol of Islam
Symbol of Judaism
The Torah and other sacred teachings which are part of Tanakh
Sacred Book(s)
The Bible(which includes the Old Testament based on Jewish sacred texts).
The Quran(which mentions some parts of Jewish and Christian sacred books).
Sacred Places
Judaism-Remains of Jerusalem temple,Hebron,Palestine,Burial place of Abraham.
Christianity- Many places in the Holy Land (Parts of Israel)where Jesus Lived.
Islam-holy cities of Mecca and Medina;Jerusalem.
Founded in 610 or Began in the 7th century by Muhammad
Began with Jesus in the 1st century C.E
Began about 1800 B.C.E when God spoke to Abraham.
Believe Abraham and Moses are prophets. Research also tells that Most Jews believe the messiah has not yet come.
Believe in Abraham,Moses,and Jesus. As prophets. Muhammad is the last prophet. The five pillars are the core beliefs and practices of Islam.
They believe Abraham and Moses are prophets,They also believe Jesus is the son of God, and the messiah. The believe he will return soon.
Arabs originally came from the Arabian Peninsula.Arabs were Bedouin nomads who wandered throughout the harsh deserts. As these nomads migrated.Arabic became the prominent language of the region and a unifying factor among the ethnic groups. Many Arabs practiced the traditional religions of there ancestors,or converted to Christianity or Judaism.(But after the prophet Muhammad brought his teachings of Islam,many Arabs converted and became muslim. Arabs are the largest ethnic group in the Middle East.
The Kurdish ethnic group that inhabits the mountainous regions of northern Iraq, Syria ,and southeast Turkey.They were once nomadic or tribal people. They were forced to abandon their traditional lifestyle and began to establish villages. Kurds do not have their very own country. Kurds like to refer to their land as Kurdistan. Kurds speak both Kurdish and Arabic. Although most Kurds are Muslims. Some other Kurds are Christian or Jewish.
What we have covered.🇮🇷🇵🇸🇰🇼
Happened over past tense and what will happen in future tense.What we have covered so far is that.Because ethnic groups share a common belief.The teachings of location history,and what actions have
Persians are the largest ethnic group living in modern Iran.They are united by their Farsi or Persian language. Persians refer back to there heritage back thousands of years the once large Persian empire, which stretched across the Middle East. many Persians were followers of a religion called Zoroastrianism. But many converted and became Muslims.persians are Muslim,but some follow Christianity,Judaism,or even Zoroastrianism .
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