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Stress Management!!

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Stress Management!!
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Storyboard Leírás

How to deal with stress.

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Relax girl, we just having one drink!
  • I should be home doing my homework, that I have not started it. I have been way too stress about school lately because I cant get my work done on time.
  • Yay,... Girl you have too much stress on you lets relax for a bit. You are going to do just great at school
  • You right one drink, and then I go home, ok!!
  • Ohh no, I had too much drinks and overslept. My homework is going to be late!!!
  • I have to come up with something to organized myself I cant keep leaving things that are important for last. Now this will affect my grades for complete. ugh I'm so stress.
  • I know what to do now. I willplan activities prioritizing among them, decide between various studies techniques, maintain stables cycles, seek help if needed and practice relaxing and maintain calm.
  • Well, I most congratulate you this last two months you have made a fantastic academically improvement. keep it up Berky.
  • Thank You professor, I will continue to do so!!
  • 2 moths Later...
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