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Comic Strip on Gandhi March

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Comic Strip on Gandhi March
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • What!? How can they make salt law! We all will march till Dandi as a protest.
  • Sabarmati
  • Gandhiji! The Britishers made salt law. They increased tax on salt.
  • Tomorrow, we are going to Dandi for a protest against salt law. This will be called Dandi March
  • Where are you going?
  • We are going to Dandi to break salt law. We will gather more people on the way to make protest strong.
  • After walking of 25 days we are finally in Dandi. Lets go at the sea shore.
  • Thank You! Dandi March12/03/1930 - 06/04/1930Made By : Lakshay Nayan
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