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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  •  "No it is way too dangerous!"
  • Rising Action
  • " I could tell Nana there is an injured baby bird outside since Nana always rescues animals, this will work because she will keep looking until she finds it. Then before she goes out to help the baby bird I can tell her I am going to take a nap then put a teddy bear in a sweatshirt under the covers and make it look like me, then sneak out of the front door, closing it to hide the evidence. "
  • A little girl named Oakley lived with her Nana, Mom, and Dad in a small house In New York. Her parents worked at the Twin Towers they kissed Oakley goodbye as they left for work on this fateful day (September 11, 2001) leaving Oakley with her Nana at the house.
  • Climax
  • When Oakley's parents were at work there were four planes hijacked by very bad people heading straight for the Twin Towers! The hijackers flew straight into the buildings! Oakley was at home with her Nana when the breaking news turned on on the TV. She was devasted knowing that her parents were in the buildings but had a feeling that her parents could still be alive. She needed and wanted to get to them fast but of course, her Nana said no saying it was way too dangerous. Oakley had to find a way to sneak out without her Nana knowing to get to her parents.
  • Falling Action
  • "Mommy, Daddy!"
  • She grabs a piece of paper and starts brainstorming a plan. She thinks "I could tell Nana there is an injured baby bird outside since Nana always rescues animals, this will work because she will keep looking until she finds it, then before she goes out to help the baby bird I can tell her I am going to take a nap then put a teddy bear in a sweatshirt under the covers and make it look like me, then sneak out the front door, closing it to hide the evidence." Oakley executes the plan and makes it out the front door into the big city. After a while, Oakley's Nana goes to check on Oakley in her bed finding that the thing on the bed was a fake replica of Oakley! She searches the whole house frantically failing to find Oakley. Nana then calls the police to set out with them to find Oakley.
  • Resolution
  • She gets to the Twin Towers. She sees the huge fire on both buildings due to the impact of the planes. Her parents work on the very bottom floor so she can see them through the glass of the building she presses her face against the glass horrified of what she sees.
  • Oakley yells " Mommy, Daddy!" tears filling her eyes as she sees them struggling to move pieces of the building that keep falling on top of them. There is nothing Oakley can do to get to her parents as the fire surrounds her parents, she knows they are helpless. There is nothing she can do but stand there and watch her parents as they perish in the fire.
  • After searching the whole city Oakley's Nana and the police finally find her at the tragic scene of the Twin Towers. Both crying with joy to see each other Oakley explained what happened to her parents. They both were horrified but took a minute of silence to pray for them walking back together both thinking they will each protect each other and never let each other go.
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