Hey my friends Did you know what is the effect of EM on living things and environment ?
I have some idea about which is when cells are exposed to electromagnetic radiation these can be broken
In addition as beacon student i learned Ionizing vs. Non ionizing radiation
Yes sure
OHHHH Really, Can you tell some more information about that !?
When we say ionizing radiation is a type of energy released atom that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma or x-ray) or particles (neutrons, beta or alpha). Over more .......
This radiation have a harm effect in our health which is can damage the tissue or the organs depend on the dose of the radiation recieve.
How about the Non-ionizing radiation
Yeah i forget to say that , UHHmm When we say Non ionizing radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atoms or molecules.
How about the Properties of magnet ang magnetic Field
The Properties of Magnet and Magnetic field Electricity, Magnetism, Amber, Lodestone