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French Story Board

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French Story Board
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • The Estates-General
  • This was a meeting of the three so called estates within the French country. The three estates were the clergy, nobility, and the peasant class. The persons estate class was much needed as it determined the rights, and status of the French people.
  • Tennis Court Oath
  • The tennis court oath was significant as the underprivileged class set out to show their growing anger toward King Louis XVI. The commoners were locked out of a meeting with the other estates, which enraged them.
  • Storming of the Bastille
  • The storming of Bastille took place in the afternoon of July Fourteenth in the year of 1789. The revolutionists invaded and took control of the armory, and political prison on Bastille. 
  • March of Versailles
  • The March of Versailles was led by a group of women from the marketplace. The women were concerned with the high prices of bread, and good in the marketplace. This took place on October 5, 1789
  • Execution of King and Queen Louis XVI
  • King Louis XVI of France and his wife Marie Antoinette were executed by guillotine at the Place de la Revolution. The two were executed on separate days. King Louis XVI on January 21. 1793, and his wife on October 16, 1793. 
  • The Reign of Terror
  • The Reign of Terror took place in 1793. The Terror was a period of the French Revolution , started by political disagreements between to rebellion groups, the Girondins, and the Jacobins.
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