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7 Morals in decision makung

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7 Morals in decision makung
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Ugh.. Exams is about to start. I need to relax and get a cup of coffee before it begins.
  • This looks harder than I expected it to be. Why can't I understand the other questions? Did I miss a chapter while studying?
  • Okay, now that I have my coffee this should help me relax and remember everything that I have to remember.
  • I don't know the answer to this one. I'm sure I studied this part of the lesson. Why can't I remember it? Should I just search the answer on google?
  • No, it's better to answer this truthfully than celebrating knowing that I cheated and I didn't try harder to understand the uqestion.
  • I'm done.. That was hard. I don't know if some of my answers were correct. Maybe I should've just looked up the answers.
  • I think it is okay. At least I answered the questions and problems honestly. It is the right thing to do.
  • I should treat myself some foods for doing a good job today <3
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