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The Osiris Myth

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The Osiris Myth
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • My Name is Osiris and i am the king of Egypt and god of Fertility and death
  • My Wife's Name is Isis, god of the moon and magic and my brothers name is Set ,god of war and chaos
  • why hello Isis, today i feel like giving everyone in the nation food using my ability to grow food. After all it is why they worship me
  • Wow Osiris that is very kind of you, makes sense seeing as everyone views you as a generous god. I sure hope no-one wants to murder you.
  • Hello servants of the kingdom I, your great king will now rapidly grow your crops so you may eat well this season.
  • WOW! thank you Osiris for granting us the bountiful harvest. Please make sure you aren't assassinated
  • YAH! I'm gonna kill you and chop you into a hundred pieces and throw you in the river Nile
  • Oh no Set, what do you intend to do with that large knife
  • Hang on Set, isn't that my dead husband
  • Welp. I consider today a success at being literally the worst person ever
  • Maybe
  • The End
  • Do you have any idea how dumb you look right now. I'm just gonna kick your but and bring my husband back to life
  • Oh... Oops
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