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The Fall of the House of Usher Comic Strip

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The Fall of the House of Usher Comic Strip
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • One late night, I rode horseback to the house of Usher. This is where I met a boyhood friend of mine, Roderick, and his twin sister Madeline.
  • I was greeted by a servant, who took me into a large room. I finally met Roderick again after years, and I could tell by his face he was truly sick like he wrote in the letters.
  • Come with me sir, to Roderick's room.
  • He began to tell me of his troubles. I got one look at his sister when she came in and thought it would be my last time seeing her because she looked deathly. We went over a plan to bury her once she passed.
  • I wonder if she's okay, she looks like she's about to die.
  • I have EXTREMELY sensitive senses. It has become absolutely horrid.
  • We sealed her in the casket but left her sitting for a few days because Roderick believed she was not truly dead. For the next couple of days, he could not sleep while he was mourning her.
  • That's weird but it's his sister so I won't say anything.
  • We must wait a while, I think she is alive.
  • After a few nights I felt as if I had caught Roderick's illness. I tried to brush this off until I heard a thud and Roderick cried out that his sister was back. I did not believe this until the door opened, and there she stood.
  • I buried her alive... what a terrible brother I am.
  • I watched as she fell into Roderick's arms and died. He then died moments later/ I heard the house begin to rumble so I ran out as quickly as I could and watched at the House of Usher fell to the ground.
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