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  • Saját Storyboards

Saudi Arabia

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Saudi Arabia
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • A police charged with enforcing Islamic law is called a Hisbah. and the festival of breaking fast is called a Eid al- Fitr
  • Qur'an is the sacred writing of Islam found by God
  • Saudi Arabia is the largest county without a river
  • the holiest Islamic month is Ramadan
  • A abaya is a long black cloak worn in public by Muslim women
  • In Saudi Arabia most Muslims follow the branch of Sunni
  • Arabic is the official language in Saudi Arabia
  • Mecca is the city in western arabia that is the ritural center for Islamic religion
  • a Hajj is a pilgrimage to mecca that is preformed by Muslims
  • Muhammad used the sacred writing of Qur'an while in Mecca and Medina
  • the Islamic chronic law is Sharia
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