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What is the Difference Between Folk and Pop Culture?

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What is the Difference Between Folk and Pop Culture?
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Csúszik: 1
  • Well, Culture is physical traits, beliefs, and social forms unique to a group of people.
  • Hey, Ila! What's Culture?
  • Csúszik: 2
  • So what's the difference between Pop and Folk Culture?
  • Csúszik: 3
  • Correct!
  • Csúszik: 4
  • Along with Fashion, and Food...
  • Csúszik: 5
  • and Music and Entertainment!
  • Yes!
  • Csúszik: 6
  • Pop culture tends to be heterogenous, meaning it spreads rapidly over a long distance.
  • But, how does Pop culture spread?
  • Csúszik: 7
  • While Folk culture is homogeneous, meaning is diffuses slowly and only really stay's within one group of people.
  • Csúszik: 8
  • So, then what is Folk Culture?
  • Folk culture is cultural practices, or traditions, with in a homogeneous group .
  • Csúszik: 9
  • This can be certain traditions passed down through generations.
  • Csúszik: 10
  • For example, the Indigenous groups of North America practice dances and make jewelry that has been passed down for generations.
  • Csúszik: 11
  • Or, tribes in Africa with their art and textiles.
  • Csúszik: 12
  • Or, specific clothing styles and social expectations in india.
  • Csúszik: 13
  • Of course there are so many different Folk culture customs to review but these are some brief examples.
  • Csúszik: 14
  • Ok, I think understand now.
  • Csúszik: 15
  • No problem, Bye!
  • Thanks Isa! Bye!
  • Csúszik: 0
  • Oh, so, sorta like, Technology and Social Media...
  • Well Pop culture tends to be culture that is not solely unique to one group, diffusing rapidly all over the world.
  • Great, happy to help.
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