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Roman Comic
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Storyboard Szöveg
"Moon Ligth The goddess Of the moon but of the vain too"
And The daugher of Pluto:The Rome god of the Underworld
Do you are hearing me"Said Athena
Meanwhile goddess Athena,Aphrodite,And Artemis were in a Meeting
Moon Ligth Was doing Bad Things"
"Marry Me "Think Posedion
Of cource" Said Poseidon .
"Hi Poseidon!!"Said Moon Ligth
I dont now you but i Think that Moon Ligth Is vain
She is so beautifull, she is more beautifull than Aphrodite" Think Apollo
HMMM! I am more beautifull
"Yeah How you said "Said Apollo
"Okey??"Said Artemis .
Meanwhile Artemis were whit Hermes Moon Ligth apear .
"Amn, You are hearing me Hermes"Ask Artemis.
"Yeah I am hearing how you say it"Said Hermes
"Hi Hermes "Said Moon Ligth
1- "We are Here because we are angry Whit Moon ligth" Said Both.
7- And What Ihave to do? Athena" Saind Aphrodite
6-"As you said Athena"said Artemis
4-Yes Athena!! Said Artemis
5 "I want you to look out from Monn ligth "
"Do as well as Artemis " said Athena
2- "Yes, Moon Ligth is grabing all the attention." Said Athena
Two days after..
3- Artemis !! Said Athena
Meanwhille Moon Ligth was outside
Why Zeuz you have to do rain" Said Moon Ligth said Moonlight
Thaks Dad"Said Athena
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