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Storyboard Szöveg
i dont know if we... Shut up cp30!
open the wormhole to tatiouine now servent.
yes vader sir. the worm hole is ready .
owoga owoga owoga
ahh this is'nt tatione
we are from the homo sapiens and were just out hunting forf ood we dont get much because wildlife is scarce around here..
would you like some water
master the homo sapiens are from over 2.5 million years ago they dont have advanced technolighy.
show us to your worm hole transporters now!
we just need a worm hole transporter!
this is our shelter that we built its made of twigs a leafs we also cook and create our weapons here.
this is one of the greatest achievments the early humans have achieved building shelter.
i just wanna kill my own son do you have a problem with that?
we will be to the chiefs den soon so you can meet our chief.
i dont like this... oh dont be scared.
how acording to my calculations were in 3000 to 8000 bc.
here is the chiefs den where all of the men work would you like to...
SHUT UP lady we need to go ive got a son to kill.
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