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7.06 Broadcast Story

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7.06 Broadcast Story
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Hello Everybody, the exciting news is the school is gonna have a School Carnival event, So we are going to have Our Friend Jennifer to tell what the fun events are...
  • Hello, Bob Jones High School Students, My name is Max and and my co host Ava is here with me today with excited Announcements !!!
  • Hey Guys & Girls its Jennifer speaking The school events we are having is we are gonna have a cow chip bingo. so if two people won the bingo they will win a meal of chick fa la for a week. to our next anchor Jerry
  • Thank You Jennifer, We are gonna have penny war fundraisers for each grade that collects 1,000 penny and if one grade collects 1,000 pennies they will win a trip to six flags for the class and this fundraiser is going to the children & hospitals And the carnivals is about pumpkins so it will be pumpkin carnival
  • Back to the Main Anchors!
  • Thank You Jerry, Tomorrow we gonna Have National.....
  • PI.....
  • DAY!!!!!!!!!!
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