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The tiger and the tortoise

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The tiger and the tortoise
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Do I have to stay starving the whole day?
  • One day a tiger was moving in the jungle in the search of food. He roamed the jungle throughout the day but could not hunt an animal. He was very disappointed and sad.
  • In the evening the tiger returned to his den....Sadly..
  • While returning to his den he met a tortoise.... he had never seen one he stood there and observed the tortoise...
  • What kind of creature is this?
  • After seeing the tiger the tortoise took his neck and limbs out...
  • After seeing the limbs of the tortoise the tiger was tempted and wanted to eat the tortoise.
  • Hm...I shall eat this small creature as I have not been able to hunt any other animal
  • Thinking this the tiger started to bite the tortoise. The shell of the tortoise was so hard that the tiger's teeth could not pierce through it.
  • Seeing the condition of the tiger the tortoise took out it's neck from the shell and said...
  • You cannot eat me like this, if you soak me into the water I may be suitable to eat, wait for a little you will get the result.
  • The tiger also realized that if the tortoise is soaked in water, it should become soft and then he should be in a position to eat it.
  • Hmm..he is right.
  • Accordingly, the tiger carried the tortoise to the nearby river side.
  • As soon as the tortoise was thrown in the river he took out his limbs and head and started swimming.
  • HAHAHA...How could you be so foolish?
  • Wait..What?!
  • Suddenly, the tortoise swan beyond the reach of the tiger. The tortoise even laughed at the tiger.
  • Seeing the tortoise laughing and swimming in the river the tiger realized that he has been fooled.
  • He could not do anything and being ashamed he went back to his den sadly.
  • How could I be so foolish?...It's like I have thrown a hammer on my own feet.
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