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Aboriginal peoples and explorers

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Aboriginal peoples and explorers
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás


Storyboard Szöveg

  • A few Months Later, trade is booming with the French and Haudenosaunee at one of the many trading posts
  • Somewhere in Haudenosaunee territory
  • My Names Jedda
  •  We have another year of plentiful food, and resources from our sacred lands. These things will do very well in trade, and I will share the rest in the upcoming harvest festival 
  • The Harvest Festival
  • Why thank you, here are some fish
  • Here you go, some Beaver, Muskrat, and Marten furs That I caught my self
  • The French expanded immensely and took hold of the aboriginal peoples land
  • Wow, our society is thriving! Anyone want bannock or potatoes?
  • After the disputes, eventually the settlement of the Europeans disrupted Aboriginal society causing cases of small pox leading to death
  • Who is this guy??
  • It is me, Jacques Cartier! I shall claim this land for New France
  • Welcome!!
  • These people don't even know the value of these furs?!
  • And these fur hats are magnificent!
  • These iron pots and pans are really useful!
  • These lands now belong to New France!
  • This isn't fair!
  • Why are you doing this?! were your allies and trade partners?
  • Everything we have worked for is starting to disappear in front of our eyes. Our traditions and our way of life is changing drastically in favor of the Europeans forever!
  • The End
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