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trabajo world history

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trabajo world history
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  • Hey teacher! I'm doing a project on Muslim society and I was wondering what things it has contributed to the world.
  • Yeah of course look, in medicine muslims made important advances in surgery. that anaesthesitised patients with cannabis and opium, used mercury and alcohol as antiseptics, and had rules about hygiene.
  • also Muslim mathematicians invented the present arithmetical decimal system and the fundamental operations connected with it - addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, raising to a power, and extracting the square root and the cubic root.
  • And about astrology the first major Muslim work of astronomy was Zij al-Sindhind by Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi in 830. The work contains tables for the movements of the Sun, the Moon and the five planets known at the time this introduced Ptolemaic concepts into Islamic sciences.
  • and finally on literature, muslim fostered a thousand-year tradition of classical Persian poetry, ranging from short quatrains to long epics.
  • Thank you teacher, by the way I was reading and I was wondering what is fasting?
  • Fasting is a important ritual during Ramadan as it allows Muslim to devote themselves to their faith, get closer to Allah and learn patience and compassion.
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