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Creation Story

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Creation Story
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • In the beginning there was only water salty and sweet but there was two rulers of these waters, the goddess Tiamat and the god Aspu
  • When they joined more gods and goddess emerged from the silt and later even more gods came from them
  • Over time the earth became noisy and Tiamant and Aspu planned to kill the new gods. Ea a small time water god heard about this and decided to trap Aspu starting a war between generations
  • The war had hit a block, for no side could win but, Ea and another goddess made the god Marduk out of clay to aid. Marduk said he would only agree is he got to be king of the cosmos
  • When Ea ended up trapping Aspu he killed him. In his death Tiamat turned into a dragon aiming to kill Ea and Marduk
  • Tiamant fought with Marduk but, Marduk ended up killing her and splitting her body in half
  • Marduk yeeted one half on Tiamant into the air to make the sky and smash her other half to make the ground, and with this every god recognized him as the most powerful god so he ascended the throne as king of all
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