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  • Saját Storyboards


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Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • ok, I've arrived in brazil, I hope everything goes well.
  • Yes, I am very excited, I came on vacation.
  • hello is your first time in brazil
  • I have already arrived at the hotel but I do not know whether to go out to meet.
  •   I didn't feel comfortable at the airport when they spoke to me in Portuguese and I didn't understand, what if it happens again?
  • Oh how kind it is, but I'm regretting having gone out.
  • Olá, como vai, meu rapaz?
  • everything is very nice, but I am not happy, I should have stayed at home, at least there I would be in my "zone" and they speak my language.
Több mint 30 millió storyboard készült