Dan is 44 years old and is a father of a 9 year old. He without a job and hasn't been able to find a permanent home in over a year.
How does the problem you want to solve relate to them?
Dan wants to find treatment for his alcoholism, but hasn't been able to find free childcare for his son.
How do they currently solve this problem?
Dan currently asks his son to stay at the library for as long as possible after school while he looks for work.
Give them a name, age, gender, occupation or role, and any other appropriate demographics
How does this solution connect to their needs?
Dan likes this because he knows the library is a safe place for his son to study and read while he's there after school.
What do they care about?
How does this solution not solve this problem?
Dan doesn't like that his son is alone for so much of the day without someone watching him and wishes he had somewhere free or low cost to take him.
How do they currently solve this problem?
What is their technical skill level or subject matter expertise?
Dan knows how to use his iPhone and his last occupation was as a blue collar worker.
What are the pros?
What are the cons?
Will they need a point and click interface or will they be configuring and programming?