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  • Saját Storyboards

Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • under a king we have foreign wars; under a republic we have civil war
  • what fools they are to kill one another like that !
  • and to think that it will be just the same so long as there are governments!
  • they're worse than animals,
  • they are at it again !
  • the republic would not have declared war
  • have these fish fried for me at once, while they are still alive; they'll make a tasty dish
  • such is life !
  • it's the fishes' turn now!
  • say, rather, such is death !
  • not bad, I see. but we have something else to talk about. listen to me, and don't be must know that, in my eyes you are two spies sent to reconnoitre me and my movements.naturally, I capture you and I shoot you. you pretended to be fishing, the better to disguise your real errand. you have fallen into my hands, and must take the consequences. such is warbut as you came here through the outposts you must have a password for your return. tell me that password and I will let you go
  • well, gentlemen, have you had good luck with your fishing ?
  • no one will ever know,you will return peacefully to your homes, and the secret will disappear with you. if you refuse, it means death-instant death. choose!
  • just think that in five minutes you will be at the bottom of that water in five minutes !
  • you have relations, I presume ?
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