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  • Saját Storyboards

The Nune´s Priest

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The Nune´s Priest
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • For God's love, take some laxative. I shall myself guide you to herbs. The which by nature have the power. To purge you beneath and also above
  •  "Madame", said he, "great thanks for your learning. By God, men may in old books read.And have well found by experience That dreams are significations
  •  A fox, full of sly iniquity, That in the grove had dwelled three years.The same night through the hedges broke
  • Are you afraid of me who is your friend? I am not come to spy on your secrets,the cause of my coming. Was only to hear how you sing
  • And dan Russell the fox leaped up at once, And grabbed Chauntecleer by the throat, And carried him on his back toward the woods.
  • After hym they ran, And also with staves many another man.
  • This cock nimbly broke from his mouth, And high upon a tree he quickly flew
  • Done offense, In as much as I made you afraid. But, sir, I did it with no wicked intention. Come down, and I shall tell you what I meant
  • Nay then, I curse both of us two.. If you trick me more often than once, Thou shalt no more through thy flattery
  • Such it is to be careless. And negligent, and trust on flattery.
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