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  • Saját Storyboards

Historia de un Amor

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Historia de un Amor
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Leírás

Basado en hechos reales

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Happy day of love and friendship to you too fer.
  • Happy day of love and friendship to you esme
  • this February 14 seemed to be the same as the others (boring), but everything would change because of that decision to sing in front of the whole school for a particular person.
  • - anyone would be nervous in your situation-ay pacha, You know you should let everything flow, things will happen if that's what has to happen, and if they don't happen, you don't lose anything.
  • - You know why I'm so nervous.-Good point, but I want to dedicate that song to her.
  • Already entering the classroom, I saw them arrive, she and her cousin, she was the prettiest girl in school (at least in my eyes), and I was a library nerd (but do not expect what that afternoon was going to happen).
  • My friends was my refuge to control the nerves of having to sing, I thought that day would not end.
  • I was trying to practice so as not to forget what I was going to do, I remember Kathy a girl who inspired me confidence and I told her my plan,
  • It was already the great moment everyone was ready, that beautiful girl was there and I did not feel safe, already when the driver said that I was still, I felt like my heart wanted to escape from me, but my body kept going, and with everything and nerves I sang in front of the whole school, and I finished and went to the back and the girl that I waited so long was not there, had left before it started, she already knew my plan.
  • It saddened me a lot, but, when I kept walking, a girl gave me security back, this girl, quickly got up from her seat, took me tightly and hugged me and said in my ear,-You are very brave you did itIn that little instant, I received an important lesson, If it's not mutual, don't force it because it won't work
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