Set in Paris, France in 1880. A young middle-class woman dreams to wealthy. Her husband comes come with tickets to a party for the rich, she became excited to attend but upset on how ragged she looks.
Mathilde Loisei is not rich but she dreams for wealth. Her husband gives her money for a dress but was not satisfied and asks for help from her rich friend to borrow a necklace
During the ball, Mathilde Loisei stunned many with her borrowed necklace. Suddenly she lost the necklace and panicked. Then decided with her husband to replace the necklace. The overall cost was more than they could make, taking ten years to pay it off
Nice necklace
After ten years of stuggles, the couple was able to pay all their debt.
One day Mathilde is walking to the market and sees her friend that she borrowed the necklace from. She decided to tell her the truth
The friend told Mathilde that the necklace was a fake all along, leaving Mathilde into a in shock and devasteted