Yelling at her is so unnecessary, but if I say anything, she may start yelling at me.
No, not that book! Look, nobody else has that book out!
My teachers make me feeling stupid but I am too scared to tell them that.
Csúszik: 2
You both really don't know what that means? You teenagers don't care about school at all!
I wish my teachers were nicer, that way I would feel like we are equals and be more comfortable asking questions.
Csúszik: 3
Parent-Teacher Conference Day!
She is struggling a little bit with the material so I would suggest she come in during breaks. I would be happy to help her.
Okay. I'm glad my daughter has such a kind and patient teacher!
Why is she being so nice today?
Csúszik: 4
The very next day
No!! You messed it all up!
All you teachers are so rude to your students! I'm sick of it!
Oh really! Then you can go to the Principle's Office! NOW
Csúszik: 5
I don't care what they said to you, there is no talking back. You have to respect adults. So, I am giving you after school detention today.
Please don't give me detention. I try really hard in school. I just think the teachers are too harsh.
Csúszik: 6
In detention
Okay. Looks like you all are here for taking back to teachers.
Csúszik: 7
Sure! Great Idea!
I have a plan. Since the teachers clearly respect adults more than their students because we're teenagers, lets tell our parents how the teachers have been treating us and demand the principle for change!
Csúszik: 8
The next day
You need to change your teachers' attitudes! Our children deserve to be treated the same as adults are, with respect.
Okay, okay! I will have a meeting with the teachers tonight.
Csúszik: 9
The next day
Yes, thank you!
I see you two might be struggling. Would you like my help?