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  • Saját Storyboards


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Storyboard Szöveg

  • hi guys my name is Amy and this is my assistant for today and her name is Lilly and we r here to learn about area. so to find area you would do length times width , to use area is to find the amount of space in something
  • length = is how long it is width = how wide it is 
  • hi my name is Lilly and we r going to show you how you can use area in your every day life.
  • can you help me fit my couch into my apartment door , all I know that the  door is 46 inches long and 30 inches wide , we need to find the area of the couch
  • WE need help to get this couch into Lilly's apperament , Can you help us ?
  • length = 30 width =40
  • so when we multiply 46 and 30 to find the area , you get 1380 as the area 
  • ok lets find the area of the couch by  multiplying length times width
  • ok so we need to multiply 40 and 30 to get the area to fit in the door , the area is 1200
  • ok we got the couch in, but it took some work , this is one case scenario were we could use area in our everyday life 
  • good to be back in the classroom and , hope that you learned some about area and how to use it in life. 
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