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  • Saját Storyboards

Holy Spirit

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Holy Spirit
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Florence and the Holy Spirit: a Story
  • It was one sunny Saturday morning. Florence woke up to an unusual news...
  • Unfortunately, her school is included on the list of suspended classes. She was alarmed and felt anxious at that time.
  • While going to her mother, she cannot help but to think about some situations. Her mind is clouded with fear.
  • How can we survive this pandemic?
  • How can I finish schooling?
  • How can I attend the mass?
  • After reaching her mother, she immediately informed about the news. Then, her mother answered the questions Florence has in mind.
  • Do not worry. I know for sure that the government will not impose such lockdowns without thinking about some alternatives. Maybe they'll release those guidelines, as soon as possible. For the meantime, just pray that this will end soon.
  • They went out together to observe their surrounding with the new changes and continues to exchange conversations.
  • But mom, how can I continue to do my Christian mission, with this current situation?
  • You can carry out your mission by simply praying, doing good, and helping our neighbors.
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