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Gibbons vs. Ogden Court Case Comic Strip

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Gibbons vs. Ogden Court Case Comic Strip
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • There is a new steamboat driver who doesn't have a New York license from me!
  • 1
  • I don't have a New York license, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?
  • 1
  • Gibbon's had a license from the national government, but New York didn't accept it.
  • Office of New York
  • 2
  • Gibbons argued that New York law was actually contradicting the Commerce Clause in the Constitution.
  • Office of New York
  • 2
  • *harrumph*I just filed a lawsuit against Gibbons and the New York court just ordered him to stop.
  • 3
  • I am going to the Supreme Court with my case, because interstate trade can only be controlled by the national government.
  • 3
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