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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Welcome to Computer 319876352, and this is the CPU. The address you need is at 329 Data Street. I am the program counter !
  • Fetch
  • Okie Dokie, off we go!
  • Okay, the contents are 010101011100010101.
  • Fetch
  • Cheers Bus, I have no idea what his means but I'll take it anyway. Can you call the Address Bus please. I am the Memory Address Register.
  • Instruction 5,564,322,402
  • I've got the address from main memory and brought it back to, the Memory Data Register.
  • Fetch
  • Thanks, I'll pass this to the Current Instruction Register.
  • Decode/Execute
  • I'm the Current Instruction Register. I hold the instruction while the CU ( Control Unit) deciphers it.
  • Eureka, it all makes sense now! As its maths-y , I'll call the data bus and pass it to the ALU!
  • I case you want to know, the instruction is split into an OP-Code ( the actual instruction) and a Operand (the value, memory address).The instruction is ADD 6
  • Thanks Data bus, I'll ADD 6. Now, the accumulator gets to store the result. And that's it...totallyyy. just ask OCR.
  • Decode/ Execute
  • YAY, one more instruction for met to hold. And that's the end... just ask OCR. Now 3,2,1 REPEAT!
  • If you want to be a smarty-pants, if the instruction wasn't maths-y, it would have been loaded into memory or saved there in another mini-loop.If you want to be a smarty-pants, if the instruction wasn't maths-y, it would have been loaded into memory or saved there in another mini-loop.
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