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Storyboard Szöveg

  • My Summer: Toledo Zoo
  • Look at all the fish!
  • My Summer: Vintage Arcade
  • I'm going to win!
  • My Ideal Summer: New York City
  • This summer, my mom, sister, me, and my sister's boyfriend all went to Toledo Zoo. It was really fun, and we saw all the animals, and had some great fries!
  • My Ideal Summer: Reading
  • This summer, we also went to a vintage arcade! We played a lot of games, and got some treats to enjoy!
  • My Million Dollar Summer: Paris
  • If it was up to me, I would've loved to travel around, but due to inflation it made it almost impossible to go out and travel. New York City, has been one place I'm dying to go to!
  • My Million Dollar Summer: Beach
  • Since New York City wasn't close to being on the list, reading was. I did do a lot of reading, ALTHOUGH I wish I could've read ALL SUMMER long, not just the end of summer.
  • Since New York City is a little bit more reasonable, if I had one million dollars I would chose to go to Paris! Just to explore and be able to see a different country, with my dad.
  • If I had one million dollars, I would also choose to go to the beach. We had plans to go to the beach, but they ended up falling out, so if I had one million dollars, I would choose to go to the beach.
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