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Survival of the Clumsiest

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Survival of the Clumsiest
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • As the penguin posse approaches the women they start to strut their stuff
  • Sure thing boss. Lets get some girls
  • Alright boys time to show them why we are the best most perfect boys to be mated with. 
  • Agreed, i'm ready to be a dad.
  • I think yes!!!! this is because female penguins will copy what the males does
  • Now for the moment of truth, will the penguin posse find love?
  • Hey this guy is kinda cute and he knows how to dance. I likey 
  • Why is she copying me???? Is it because she likes me??? I am so confused. Where did my boys go??!!!
  • The female penguin only produces one egg a year. So they need to pick a competent guy.
  • This is because penguins mate with the same person their whole life. Well time to check in on the two love birds now that they have had their fun.
  • Well boys we've done we are now soon to e fathers. Too bad our wives left us on daycare duty. 
  • Once the egg is fertilized the woman penguin will go off to feast with all the other soon to be moms. 
  • Yep good thing the cold never bothered us anyway. 
  • This leaves the men to watch over the eggs in the freezing cold. Lets check back in on the penguin posse. 
  • The male penguins will watch over and incubate the eggs for 4 months in the -76 degrees fahrenheit winter.
  • hopefully our wives did not forget about us.
  • how much longer do we need to do this?
  • But the wait is well worth it for after those two months the baby penguins will have been hatched and now the penguin posse are officially fathers.
  • congrats boys we have done it!! We are now fathers
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