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Storyboard Szöveg

  • I liked today's class. We learned about taxonomy, right? Wait, can you remind me what was that?
  • Ofc! Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing and classifyingorganisms.Taxonomy classify organisms taking into account theircharacteristics and evolutionary history.
  • hmmm. Oh, wait, look! a squirrel!
  • Omg it's so cute!Wait, how about we practice what we just learned?
  • Sure! Let's see... There's also a bird, there are trees, and a lost puppy.
  • ok so, the bird,squirrel, and dog are all animals. So we eliminate the trees.
  • Both the squirrel and dog are mammals and have fur.
  • So, we take the bird out.
  • Now, both of them are mammals, however, the dog is carnivorous. So the we take away the squirrel.
  • Great! I think we understood pretty well the topic.
  • I'm sure we did! It was fun to do that. For now, let's go home, shall we?
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