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  • Saját Storyboards

School Emergency Evacuation

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School Emergency Evacuation
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • What To Do If Fire Alarm Rings
  • This Video will show you what to do if you hear the fire alarm.
  • Quietly and calmly form a single file line in front of the door.
  • Continue walking calmly in a single file line to the nearest exit door. The exit door has a red sign that says "exit" above it.
  • EXIT
  • When you get outside, walk to the grassy area between the slide and the swings.
  • Pick a spot and sit on the grass with the rest of the class. Remain with your class and teacher. Follow any directions your teacher gives you.
  • Once it is safe to return, your teacher will lead you back to the classroom. Walk and stay in a single file line.
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