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life in the middle ages

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life in the middle ages
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Besides being unhealthy, medieval towns were noisy, smelly, crowded, and often unsafe. Wealthy people sometimes left money in their will to help prisoners. in trial by combat, the accused person had to fight to prove his or her innocence.
  • BLACK DEATH (The Plague)
  • During the Middle Ages, most arts were created for religious purposes. The cathedrals were constructed between 1150 and 1400 .were designed in the gothic style and built to appear as if they are rising to heaven.
  • Unhealthy living conditions in medieval towns led to the spread of disease. Towns were very dirty places. Many illnesses that can be prevented or cured today had no cures in medieval times.
  • the black death was when people would get bit by fleas or rats well today we saw that crispin got it by a rat and he has died he has bleed out . bear was crying and he missed the kid and the doctor was kind of stuned because the rat was still alive on his neck.
  • Medieval towns were typically small and crowded. Rich and poor lived in quite different households.Wealthy merchants often had splendid homes. The first level might be given over to a business, including offices and storerooms. The family's living quarters might be on the second level, complete with a solar, a space where the family gathered to eat and talk. An upper level might house servants and apprentices
  • Many aspects of town life were challenging and people worked hard, but they also participated in leisure activities. In medieval times, people engaged in many of the same activities we enjoy today. Townspeople also took time off from work to celebrate special days, such as religious feasts.
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