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Storyboard Szöveg
Csúszik: 1
What are your primary concerns regarding the CORIE outbreak and its impact on your community?
I'm worried about how quickly it's spreading, especially among the elderly. It feels like there's not enough information on how to protect ourselves
I think the biggest issue is the lack of clear communication from health officials. We need more guidance on what to do if we show symptoms.
Researcher 1: Holding community engagement about the Corie outbreak
Csúszik: 2
I feel confused about the vaccine. I've heard mixed messages about its effectiveness and safety, which makes me hesitant to get it
How do you perceive the information provided about the CORIE vaccine?
I have a lot of anxiety about the vaccine because I don’t know anyone who has received it yet. I want to hear real experiences before I decide
I trust the vaccine, but I wish there were more local resources explaining how it works and who should get it first
Researcher 2: Gathering data on Vaccine perceptions
Csúszik: 3
Researcher 3: Can you share any personal or community experiences that have shaped your views on vaccination?
My family has always trusted vaccines. My parents taught me they are essential for public health
I remember when my neighbor got vaccinated last year; they had a severe reaction. It makes me hesitant
I’ve heard so many conflicting stories on social media. It’s hard to know what to believe.
Personal stories that shape attitudes toward vaccination
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