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The Leader of Lion
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Storyboard Szöveg
Poor, Sick Monkeys :(I can't handle them alone :(
Poor, Sick Monkeys :(I can't handle them alone :(
Poor, Sick Monkeys :(I can't handle them alone :(
I am the King of the Jungle, I wont help you but i can ask other animals to help you.
I am the King of the Jungle, I wont help you but i can ask other animals to help you.
I am the King of the Jungle, I wont help you but i can ask other animals to help you.
Lion, Please help me take care of the monkeys.
Lion, Please help me take care of the monkeys.
Lion, Please help me take care of the monkeys.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
Now my animal doctors are ready to take care of my monkeys. Thanks to the king of the jungle for helping me.
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