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  • Saját Storyboards

The Great train journey

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The Great train journey
Storyboard That

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Storyboard Szöveg

  • No, have you ?
  • I want to go everywhere. I want to go all over the world
  • Do you have a ticket ?
  • No, but I usually reserve this compartment for my self. Where are u going? Are u a hippy like me ?
  • Suraj was a boy who loved trains. He waved to every passing train. One day, he was wandering along the railway tracks. There, he saw a stationary goods train.
  • Things that are nailed down or closed make him curious. So, he decided to try to open all the crates of the train. Few minutes later, his patience was rewarded. One of the crates was not closed properly.
  • You better keep out of sight, if you don't want to be caught
  • Er- Namaste. Who are you
  • There, he met an old , dirty, bearded hippy.
  • I will have one of those.
  • Greetings, friend
  • How do I get on a ship?
  • Yes. (Untruthfully)
  • I can sail anything.
  • Why not?
  • First, this train will take you to the sea and from there you will board a ship and go to china.
  • Can u sail a ship?
  • Can you scrub a deck?
  • Can you cook?
  • Then, you will get to china.
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