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  • Saját Storyboards

Internet Safety

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Internet Safety
Storyboard That

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Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Can I play that new game at your house? My parents won't let me buy it
  • sure
  • This game is so fun, can you give me the password to your account so I can use it sometimes?
  • I guess I can
  • oh no I just got an email that my account password was changed
  • No, I gave it to a guy online who said he could get you stuff for free if he had the password
  • did you change my account password?
  • that was a scam he just wanted to hack my account, you shouldn't give strangers your passwords
  • I'm sorry I didn't know
  • It's okay, luckily I can lock him out of the account from my phone
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