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Crossing the red sea

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Crossing the red sea
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Storyboard Szöveg

  • Exodus Comic Strip: By Ali
  • The Israelites are enslaved, due to so many of them there treated harshly
  • due to his hatred and fear of the Israelite's. The Pharaoh decided to kill there first born. so he made a rule to kill all first born of the Israelite
  • One of the 10 plagues was to cover Egypt with frogs
  • A Israelite mother didn't want her child to get killed so she put her son in a basket and put him in the river. Eventually her son reaches the castle of the princess, daughter of pharaoh
  • After the 10 plagues passed, Pharaoh was furious and let the Israelites to go so the plagues stop.
  • Poor child, I shall name you Moses since I found you
  • As Moses grew, he see the pain and cruelty the Israelite's had to go.
  • What cruel people...
  • When Moses was climbing the mountain, he encounters god on a burning bush.
  • God Orders Moses to help him free the Israelite by summoning the 10 plagues.
  • Eventually Moses ran away to find a way to help the Israelite to escapes.
  • Before pharaoh could get them they escaped and they became free.
  • But when the Israelites were fleeing, the pharaoh changed his mind and went back for them.
  • Fortunately, Moses and the Israelite had the power of god on their side and with this power Moses split the sea in two.
  • The End
  • Let the sea divide..;
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