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  • Saját Storyboards

How the Deer got his Horns

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How the Deer got his Horns
Storyboard That

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Készítse el saját forgatókönyvét

Próbáld ki ingyen!

Storyboard Szöveg

  • Sure, just be fast.
  • Can I look at the course first? I have never been here before.
  • Thank you all for coming! The winner of the race between Rabbit and Deer will get these horns!
  • Maybe you should check on him, Squirrel.
  • Ok!
  • He is taking a very long time...
  • He is making a shortcut! I should tell the others!
  • Nibble Nibble Nibble
  • Rabbit made a shortcut in the course!
  • I would never do such a thing...
  • Well, show me where it is.
  • I told you!
  • You were right! Let's go tell Deer.
  • I guess cheaters never prosper...
  • Good job!
  • Congratulations, Deer! Since Rabbit cheated, you win!
  • Woohoo!
Több mint 30 millió storyboard készült