Good Day Students, Today we will discuss two types of Spaces. Personal Space and General Space
We're excited Miss Cara!
Personal space is that area directly around you. Imagine a circle drawn around you or think of that area around your own body.
Students, can you think of movements you can create in your personal Space?
I can Jump on spot Miss!
Sure Miss Cara, A dancer can stretch.
You can turn or spin in your personal space.
Very good Students! So now, let's discuss General Space. This space is the surrounding space, the area you are moving around in.Students can I have two volunteers to demonstrate movements that can be done using your General space?
I want to try!
Me, Miss!
Ana, lets observe the movements that your classmate is demonstrating.
I'm leaping!
I'm going to Spin forward.
Lets Recap students! What is the difference between Personal Space and General Space?
Personal Space is the space that is around you and General Space is the larger area surrounding you.