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Přidělení Obrázku:

Fire ( - hans.emtenas - Licence: Attribution (

Gas stove flame ( - Ervins Strauhmanis - Licence: Attribution (

Coal ( - oatsy40 - Licence: Attribution (

Hess Gas Station - Near Intrepid Museum ( - m01229 - Licence: Attribution (

Burn ( - Hellcanwait - Licence: Attribution (

Carbon dioxide molymod ( - activescience - Licence: Attribution (

smoking chimney ( - quapan - Licence: Attribution (






The movement of carbon from the atmosphere through living things and aback into the atmosphere again.

The process by which greenhouse gases such as methane, water vapor and carbon dioxide stop heat escaping, by insulating the Earth is called The Greenhouse Effect and can cause global warming.

Combustion is a chemical reaction involving oxygen and a fuel, also known as burning.

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources formed from the remains of living organisms formed over millions of years that are burned for energy.

Carbon dioxide is a compound with a chemical formula of CO2. It is a product of combustion and a greenhouse gas.

Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Vocabulary

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