Društvene priče su u početku bile osmišljene za podršku djeci s ASD-om pojedinačno. Međutim, praktičari su shvatili korist korištenja ovih priča s djecom koja imaju društvene borbe zbog različitih razloga, pojedinačno i u cjelini.
Social Stories should be personalized to the individual
Storyboard Tekst
Sometimes I feel angry.
Sometimes I am frustrated.
1... 2... 3... 4... 5...
Sometimes I hit, kick, or push people when I am angry or frustrated.
Hitting, kicking and pushing is not safe behavior. Hitting, kicking and pushing can hurt other people. They can get physically hurt and it can hurt their feelings.
When I feel angry or frustrated I will walk away from the situation or take five deep breaths.
Using my coping strategies will help keep me and my friends safe.
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