Hey guys, welcome to group. Today we will be talking about communication.
Improving your coping skills will increase your confidence when dealing with social situations
Communication skills are important and they help you maintain your relationships
I'm Bryan, and I like to play soccer.
I'm Nina, and I love country music
Well before we begin we will do a warm up activity. I want you to go around and tell everyone your name and a fun fact.
So for our activity you will be filling out a worksheet about your communication skills. Circle the number that best fits your communication style. 4 is always, 3 is sometimes, 2 is rarely, and 1 is never.
At the end add up the numbers and you will see which areas are your strongest.
My strong area was in emotional awareness
My strong area was in listening
Now let's talk about it. What areas of communication were you strong in.
I had low scores in emotional awareness.
I had low scores in listening
What were your weak areas?
I think it's hard for me to express what I'm feeling because of what people may say.
I'm not sure. I don't think it is effecting my relationships.
How do you think your weak areas have effected your relationships?
When I am upset, I can talk about how I am feeling instead of crying or shutting down.
I don't think I need to change.
So what can you do to turn those weaknesses into strengths?
I guess listening better would cause less fights between me and my brother.
It would bring me closer with my family and friends.
What would be the pros of making these changes?
When girlfriend is mad at me, I will listen to what she says instead of yelling.
When my sister takes my stuff without asking, I can tell her how that isn't right instead of calling her names.
What can you do in the next week to work on your weaknesses?
Well thank you for sharing I hope you all realize the importance of communication and the change you all can make to improve.