Create your own at Storyboard ThatMom, Dad, and Emma were all at the beach. Mom was angry; no one would put on sunscreen. When we got home, only Mom wasn't sunburnt! You need sunscreen for two reasons: it protects your skin and prevents burns! Look, a turtle! Ouch! I TOLD YOU GUYS. Mommy, it hurts so much.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatMom, Dad, and Emma were all at the beach. Mom was angry; no one would put on sunscreen. When we got home, only Mom wasn't sunburnt! You need sunscreen for two reasons: it protects your skin and prevents burns! Look, a turtle! Ouch! I TOLD YOU GUYS. Mommy, it hurts so much.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatMom, Dad, and Emma were all at the beach. Mom was angry; no one would put on sunscreen. When we got home, only Mom wasn't sunburnt! You need sunscreen for two reasons: it protects your skin and prevents burns! Look, a turtle! Ouch! I TOLD YOU GUYS. Mommy, it hurts so much.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatMom, Dad, and Emma were all at the beach. Mom was angry; no one would put on sunscreen. When we got home, only Mom wasn't sunburnt! You need sunscreen for two reasons: it protects your skin and prevents burns! Look, a turtle! Ouch! I TOLD YOU GUYS. Mommy, it hurts so much.
Create your own at Storyboard ThatMom, Dad, and Emma were all at the beach. Mom was angry; no one would put on sunscreen. When we got home, only Mom wasn't sunburnt! You need sunscreen for two reasons: it protects your skin and prevents burns! Look, a turtle! Ouch! I TOLD YOU GUYS. Mommy, it hurts so much.
Storyboards nisu samo za razumijevanje čitanja. Mogu se koristiti u učionici kako bi podučavali važne lekcije gramatike i interpunkcije. Podučavajući interpunkciju pomoću storyboards, studenti imaju priliku napisati i ilustriraju svoje značenje. To daje nastavnicima jasan i brz način procjenjivanja razumijevanja koncepta učenika.