3- Front nook shot wide & side from bench & door opening action shot
4. nook long shot w extras
Stu and ladies arms in hand walking to the Nook
5- Close of Stu entering
Side profile include Nook Pizza paiting/angle shot
6- New angle nook
Straight/Angular shot of entering nook/from left & even hand opening door.
7. Door scence/IG pic/Action/Upload shots
Showcasing nook & first glimpse of hater
8. Nook new angle/bartender, girls smiling
Fun god like entrance
showcasing nook/bartender with 2nd sneak of hater. with small group of girls trying to be the big man. (quite prominent) turning to see Stu (unimpressed) Girls see Stu in wow, hater feels belittled.
Stu & friends happy chatting, fun gestures, high fives then take & upload IG shot. Film the upload/pic/process etc. (Ensure pic has lots of likes when Hater chooses to not like)
hater with girls, they having a ball, he mad. hater nods and displeased then retreats to couch.
9- Couch/ over head shot
10- lone hater bar shot/action hand bartender exchange
11. Long shot/stu approach
12- long solo shot
Unimpressed facial shot/trolling/ IG/dont like pic/ long shot behind me to see Stu and friends then retreats back to solo bar drink shot
13- Wide behind bar shot
Hater sits and drinks then Stu approaches with an open friendly greeting.
14- Lorna jane pants shot/angle
long/wide shot Stu seeing hater (recognises him) friends are chatting amongst themselves. Make his way over to say hi.
15. Side bar shot/close
side shot of hater, friends have dissipated
16- Straight stage RC shot
friendly stu greets hater, haters goes in in for the hug. Stu then heads back off. Haters face turns from smile to blank.
broke ordering water, action shot, lorna jane decked out.
ladies in LJ happily chatting, hater trying to down the mood
token RC BS shot/dance sequence with Glasses.
17- side shot/phone/watch
18- close out focus outdoor bench shot
19- Opposite couch shot
20- long then close Chorus shot
Lady waiting for friend, checks phone/watch. disappointed
friends selling out chatting to a guy in the street and ignoring phone call.
RC to the BS Choris shot with shades
LJ ladies in focus then walk away from hater then walk & say the hook (hater in back out of focus)