Some kids discuss about the game that they play in class when one of them see a car coming . In the background , two people discuss about the breakeups betwin the girls and her boyfriend .
I am here, don't worry kids ! I am gonna save you !
GingerGirl is here ! Kids are saved !
Thanks you GingerGirl ! You have saved our life ! You'r our heroes ! we're okay yhanks to you !
the car is coming faster and faster , there is nobody in the car ! She's broken !The kids are so scared . the people in the background forget instentabily the breakeup and are worried about the kids .
i felt in love whith you my lady
Everybody is ok ?
The car is going to crushed the kids ! They are terrified and cannot think about anything , they are just screaming . When the adult was asking if a persone can save them ... GingerGirl arrived !!TIN TIN TIN
Goodbay my friends
GingerGirl is arrived ! Kids were so scared . They are saved now .
the little boy fel in love with the superheroes . the car is destoyd but its nothing