People are getting worried. I need you to explore how they feel about the vaccine because we need an intervention to gain more trust.
We'll use a qualitative study to understand their thoughts and feelings about the vaccine.
ThirtVex-24 Virus
PerceptionsIn-depth interviews
The mayor tasks the research team with uncovering public sentiment about the vaccine to build a trusted intervention.
Slajd: 2
Mayor, we have a difficult time ahead with the outbreak of this deadly virus. There is a vaccine, but it hasn’t been implemented yet, and we’re unsure how people will feel about it.
5% of patients infected with this virus have died, and 95% are critically ill.
I need to call an urgent meeting with the researchers.
Medical personnel brief the mayor of Springville on the outbreak of a new deadly virus, calling for urgent action.
Slajd: 3
Good morning! The initial vaccine rollout was a success. Uptake exceeded expectations, and participants gave positive feedback.
Moving forward, we suggest mobile units, targeted outreach, and workshops. With your support, we can start in a couple of weeks.
The research team presents the successful vaccine rollout results to the mayor and discusses plans for further community outreach.
Slajd: 0
We can conduct in-depth interviews with the people of Springville. We’ll only need a small sample.
That's great to hear! I'll ensure this is discussed with stakeholders so we can move forward.